Thursday, January 26, 2012

The reason why I don't want to see a shooting star(A real Star)

               Have you ever made a wish on a shooting star before? When I was about 5-6, someone told me to make a wish when we saw a shooting star. I don't remember who it was but I did some wishes to a few shooting stars before. Will a shooting star grant my wish ?                                  
               Now I know that a shooting star is not a real star. I think in the ancient time, people claim all bright or blinking things on our sky as stars. A shooting star is a piece of rock (hard material) from the space which collide with our atmosphere with high velocity. Then, it is heat up by the friction of air, glow brightly in our sky and burn down on the way or hit to our earth. This process is known as falling star. Let me call that 'Falling Meteor'. If those piece of rocks are not star then what are stars? All those stars we usually see in our night sky are Suns from other solar systems. The distance is too much and there are dust and material in the space which block the light from those stars so the intensity of light is not as bright as our solar system's star. Nearest star from our solar system is 4 light years away from our solar system. (1 light year= 6 trillion miles). No wonder we just see a blink of light from other stars.
               If a real star shooting into our earth, I bet we have no place to run and we better wish for a place to run. Hopefully our wish come true indeed. Even if it is not going to hit but just pass through near our earth, I'm pretty sure the whole living beings on our planet become barbecue or boiled alive.  Because of the enormous size and heat of star, we will near see another sunshine again. The distance between our earth and sun is in our solar system is about 93 million miles. Even it is that far, we sometimes think we are burning especially in the summer time. I can't imagine what will happen if another sun visit to our earth even from some distance away. I'm just kidding. It will never happen. lol. You can find about two suns shinning to our earth a few thousand years ago. That was not another sun visiting to our earth. It was an explosion of dying sun from million light years away that shine to our earth.
               The reason why I'm explaining is just to clarify the difference of star and meteor but not saying no more wishing to so called dying stars. Please don't stop wishing even after you know about what a shooting star is. Who can deny that a dying meteor can't grant your wish? Making a wish won't cost us more than 5 second. At least you can have some metal satisfaction. It's free and why not? We all live our lives with full of hopes. Without hope, our lives become meaningless. So never let your hope faint away for any reason.
               Do you ever have a dream or hope that you want so badly? Pray for it. Wish for it. And DO NOT FORGET to 'Make It Happen'.

May all your wish come true soon :)


Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The reason of music like intonation in English speaking Vs My first language

         Do you aware that there are many other languages that don't use intonation like in English? I'm a bilingual and my first language is Myanmarese. There is no intonation in our neutral everyday speaking. The reason I mentioned neutral means, we don't use intonation in normal mode. We only use when we get angry or showing impatience during our conversation. It is not polite to say loud or using stress on words when we talk especially with elder people or respectable people like teachers or parents etc. I know it sounds weird to western culture but I believe this is pretty similar among Asians. We, Myanmar people learn English since we are in the kindergarten but we barely use (speak) English. But we learned almost all subjects are in English except Myanmar classes, of cos. When I started speaking English to other people, I found difficulties in understanding each other because I failed to use intonation on every sentences.  Be honest, I tried not to use even I knew I have to. I felt it's too weird to speak like we sing a song. lol :) The reason I think why Myanmar language don't have to use intonation is , our country has less international relationships than English as they expended their empire around the world as we all know.
         So I have a thought why English has intonation but why we don't have ? And below opinion is my personal thought  and I have no intention to insult anyone. Don't be so serious ok ! I have a thought that there might be no intonation or that much strong/obvious stressing on English words in the earlier time. Because most of our human civilization inventions were just based on demand. The advancing and expansion of English speaking people deal with non-native English speakers, it is necessary use stress on what they might want to say. They might have to talk more slowly and more loudly with totally different language speakers. Otherwise, different language speaking  people or ESL (English as a second language)can never be understood and communicated.
          Imagine there is no intonation among different English speaking people when they communicate. Please read below story without any intonation or stress on any words.

Person A:  How much is your donkey?
Person B:  This is a horse.
Person A:  What you said ? This is what ?
Person B:  This is a horse. It is not a donkey. Don't you see, do you?
Person A:  Oh, I see. Your monkey is so beautiful.

         After many similar stories was happened and English speaking people started thinking about better ways to communicate with different language speakers to understand well. Many of them agree using stress on what you wanna say is pretty helpful and English speaker agreed to use intonation from that day onwards...... this is just my opinion on one of the possibilities. Bdw, anything is possible  ...

        There are about total 1.5 billion of English speaking population around the world and about a quarter is native speakers, another a quarter is ESL and the rest half of population is able to ask the direction of where they want to go, what they want to eat or just Yes or No.

Thanks for your time and have a great day
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