Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The reason of music like intonation in English speaking Vs My first language

         Do you aware that there are many other languages that don't use intonation like in English? I'm a bilingual and my first language is Myanmarese. There is no intonation in our neutral everyday speaking. The reason I mentioned neutral means, we don't use intonation in normal mode. We only use when we get angry or showing impatience during our conversation. It is not polite to say loud or using stress on words when we talk especially with elder people or respectable people like teachers or parents etc. I know it sounds weird to western culture but I believe this is pretty similar among Asians. We, Myanmar people learn English since we are in the kindergarten but we barely use (speak) English. But we learned almost all subjects are in English except Myanmar classes, of cos. When I started speaking English to other people, I found difficulties in understanding each other because I failed to use intonation on every sentences.  Be honest, I tried not to use even I knew I have to. I felt it's too weird to speak like we sing a song. lol :) The reason I think why Myanmar language don't have to use intonation is , our country has less international relationships than English as they expended their empire around the world as we all know.
         So I have a thought why English has intonation but why we don't have ? And below opinion is my personal thought  and I have no intention to insult anyone. Don't be so serious ok ! I have a thought that there might be no intonation or that much strong/obvious stressing on English words in the earlier time. Because most of our human civilization inventions were just based on demand. The advancing and expansion of English speaking people deal with non-native English speakers, it is necessary use stress on what they might want to say. They might have to talk more slowly and more loudly with totally different language speakers. Otherwise, different language speaking  people or ESL (English as a second language)can never be understood and communicated.
          Imagine there is no intonation among different English speaking people when they communicate. Please read below story without any intonation or stress on any words.

Person A:  How much is your donkey?
Person B:  This is a horse.
Person A:  What you said ? This is what ?
Person B:  This is a horse. It is not a donkey. Don't you see, do you?
Person A:  Oh, I see. Your monkey is so beautiful.

         After many similar stories was happened and English speaking people started thinking about better ways to communicate with different language speakers to understand well. Many of them agree using stress on what you wanna say is pretty helpful and English speaker agreed to use intonation from that day onwards...... this is just my opinion on one of the possibilities. Bdw, anything is possible  ...

        There are about total 1.5 billion of English speaking population around the world and about a quarter is native speakers, another a quarter is ESL and the rest half of population is able to ask the direction of where they want to go, what they want to eat or just Yes or No.

Thanks for your time and have a great day
Welcome our comments and opinions


1 comment:

  1. Kaung,
    I really enjouyed reading the blogs on your page. Each entry includes great pictures and insightful observations. I really enjoyed reading the posts about stars and intonation. The information you included about stars I didn't know. Usually when I see a shooting star I just admire it for its beauty and amazing it makes the sky look. In terms of intonation, English has complicated intonation for non-native seakers and it sometimes leads to funny moments. Even between native speakers there can be miscommunication.
    Check out this clip from a friends episode about intonation- "Got the Keys?"


    Thanks for sharing your ideas,
