Friday, December 14, 2012

In Class Essay #3

Dear Kaung Myat Tun,        
            Studying used to be a nightmare in my life especially the language I don’t speak well. I’m sad to say that I haven’t done reading any English book in my entire life except “American son” which require reading for my this English 1B class. I’m now so proud myself for this achievement. This English class helps me and improves my skill of writing and reading dramatically. Additionally the knowledge of my new land, California and history of why people like me migrated to here. The reasons why the California is rich in resources are most thrilling part I learned. Stereotype and prejudge can be seen in our multicultural society and what we shouldn’t do without proper information. Style, technic and strategies of reading not only easier to understand but also printed like a tattoo in my mind permanently.

             New strategy of reading and annotating improved my reading skills very well. Finding the tone and theme is not an easy task to do but that help me to understand the entire reading. Less requires understanding all the individual sentences. Close reading of poems is really fun to do and I enjoyed a lot during my quarter. I like reading poems and meaning of the songs. Usually, I don’t quite understand the meaning of the song when I just listen. So I need to see the lyrics and then realized how funny I understood from the music. Now “Hotel California” and “Californication” mean more than they used to be in my mind. Understanding of “friction diction” creates songs alive in my mind forever. Annotating really helps me but I end up writing down all unknown words and my readings are like a partial dictionary. But when I need to warm up and recall the topic, it is easier and not necessary to read all over again. Compare and contrast while reading is something I can’t skip especially when I do my research before writing an essay.                    

            Proofreading and structure are the most challenging part of my essay writing. I try reading again and again and again but there were mistakes in my essays anyway. May be proofreading require some experiences to oversee my mistakes. Over all structure for my essays were fairly good but readings shows me many good examples of structure styles. Additionally, organizing a body is not an easy task ever. I spent a lot of time reconnecting to my supporting ideas of the structure inside the body paragraph. I guess, the critical thinking thing is the major and main for the essay what I learned during that time. Although there are only four pages, it is very confusing for me to understand and categorize. However, it is very useful for me to identify how good is the topic during reading and writing. I believe I improved my essays writing skill pretty much.  Focusing on the thesis statement and controlling the cohesion of the topic is challenging for me. PIE format needs to provide good explanations to support the claim I made. The understanding of fallacies reminds me what I shouldn’t do in my paragraphs. My weakness is I always understand what I wrote but not all readers get the same point. Sometimes readers get different meaning. It is always happen to me in my readings too. Perhaps I might stereotype rather than making a simple guest. However, my effort reflected on my essays. My writing skill improved from 68, 82, 88 and 77. I believe I can’t get over 90 mostly because of the proofreading.

            Conclusion, I’m lucky enough to have these wonderful classmates who distribute a lot of their ideas and explanations and the professor who taught us well on our writing and reading skills will be remembered. I never thought my English would improve this much just within a few months. In future, if I like to express myself for something I want, I won’t hesitate to write and post on my blog anymore.

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