Wednesday, December 12, 2012

In class essay-2

Kaung Myat Tun
In class essay-2

GMOs should Label

Living a healthy lifestyle is not only about exercises but also about the food we consume. Now these days, Many American people-facing problems between spending on better medical treatment or healthier food. There is a demand on the healthier food and concern about the GMO foods. Finally, Proposition 37 requires labeling of genetically modified or engineered in food sales in the state of California and it is officially on the ballot. This proposition became popular due to people’s concern more on healthier lifestyle and natural product. Proposition 37 is not a debate whether Genetically Engineering foods are good or bad. It is about right to know what is in your food and to be able to make a choice to choose what you think for you and your family is safe to eat.

We should know what is in our food, shouldn’t we? Do you know that above 80 percentage of food in our grocery store contain genetically modified or engineered integrant? The Institute for Responsible Technology states that ‘Most common GMOs include corn syrup, soy, canola, sugar beat which can be found in many common daily consumer foods.’ Without labeling, we will inevitably participate in the great GMO experiments, whether we willing to involve or not. When I go shopping for food, I do pay attention on the food label. Because that label is the only thing I can compare against with competitor product: price, content, expiration date and etc. However the opposition group arguing about the exemptions of some products: beer, meat, milk cheese and so on. It is not strong for me to feel their excuse is makes sense and not directly related to the main point of the proposition. And I consider their argument as red herring fallacies as their   point is trying to mislead the main objective of proposition 37, which is labeling on GMOs. 

 Recent study on economic impact of proposition 37 resulted that there would be no increase in price as a result of the labeling required. But one of the main opponent group’s concern is the cost associated with labeling, which is claiming that changing the labels is too expensive and would increase the cost for groceries. They even claim that would be an expensive nightmare. However, Europe introduced GMO labeling in 1997, it didn’t result in increase cost but there were also had horrifying prediction of price increased. So I consider opponent argument on cost issue as false cause or red herring fallacies.

The opponent group claims GMOs are safe to eat but why don’t they proudly label ‘Made with GMOs’? Alison Van Genennam, UC Davis researcher says ‘National Academy of Science and American Medical Association have all agreed that GMOs on the market today are safe’. Nevertheless GMO foods don’t offer any benefit to consumers whatsoever but potential problems and unforeseeable diseases. The Institute for Responsible Technology states that mice eating GM corn for a few generations had fewer and smaller babies. More than half of the babies of mother rats fed GM soy died within 3 weeks. Who dare to deny that there is no harm on us as well? This is another reason why GMOs should label.

Basically, the proposition 37 is a market battle between the organic food industry and the modern producers. Modern producers care more on the producing cost but less concern on the quality and consequences while traditional farmers are more concern on the quality and less chemical usage. Traditional farmers say since GMOs have no harm and why the opponent group is trying not to get label on it. So people can choose what they want by seeing the label. One possible answer is the opponent group concerns the market negative reaction due to the GMO label. My question is would you change your shopping habit if the foods you buying are label GMOs? Many people especially who has aging parents or young kids probably say yes and this is the reason why opponent are trying to avoid label GMOs.

So far 61 countries around the world including even China and India require label of genetically modified organisms or engineered foods but sadly not in USA. We do understand that this attempt couldn’t possibly be flawless. So should we move to other countries to fulfill our rights? Impossible, We love our country. Unless WE DEMEND GMOs get labeled. Let’s remember that human made the constitution. Please vote ‘YES’ because Americans have right to know what they are buying. 


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