Friday, December 14, 2012

Self reflections of my essays

Self Reflections

What I learned about the topic: I learned about the wonderful history and mysteries which makes California always attractive and stays alive. The main reason California is wealthy in resources and unbelievable stories is because of the Pacific plate collide to America and the friction makes all the valuable resources that human ever wanted. And, that Pacific plate creates the LA and San Francisco earthquakes. More about the Silicon Valley, its uncountable entrepreneur millionaires are another interesting part to attract more and more people. Finally Hollywood and its part of making successful dream land in the States is a very important fact that I ever learned in my readings. My final conclusion is the desire and illusions of real and unreal opportunities drive people harder to move on and on till to reach their goals.
What I learned as a reader/writer: I found out that California is that much full of amazing stories during very few decades. I was surprised again that California is not only rich of gold but wealthy in nearly all of natural resources. As a reader, I like about the history and big dreams people had along its history. And of course their hard working attitude are also make me feel stronger and less lazy. And I understand more on how to write to attract readers to caught their curiosity on the topic.

Out of Class Essay #1
What I learned about the topic: California is an analogy between over expectation and failure. Among four songs, I love the Californication of Red Hot Chili Pepper and chose to write for my out of class essay. Actually I was having a hard time choosing Hotel California and Californication. But I don't know why I was so into Californication and chose over Hotel California. Perhaps the meaning of the Californication touched me more than the Hotel California. Both songs reflect the false image and exaggeration of the state can fulfill.
What I learned as a reader/writer: PIE format. I was almost forget the PIE format for our body paragraphs. I learned how to a analyze a quote by introduce in our body paragraph, incorporate and interpret in it. Warmed up again about noun phrase appositives which is I almost forget how to use. My favorite part during out of class essay-2 is about friction diction. terms to improve understanding, the critical thinking. The most important thing I learned about reading is called close reading: word choice, tone, imagery, and metaphors  

In Class Essay #2
What I learned about the topic: I learned about propositions laws in USA and how does it work. People has enough power to change state and federal laws by voting them. The critical thinking helps me to understand more about what I read. I did Prop-37 and it is about GMOs which should label on everyday consumer products.
What I learned as a reader/writer: I guess, the critical thinking thing is the major and main for the essay what I learned during that time. Although there are only four pages, it is very confusing for me to understand and categorize. However, it is very useful for me to identify how good is the topic during reading and writing. I believe I improved my essays writing skill pretty much.      
Out of Class Essay #2
What I learned about the topic: California is not only full with treasure but also full with sad stories of earlier immigrants especially Asian and local Indians. From an immigrant boy and his mom from poem "Yuba city school" reveals the  saturation of immigrants and their troubles to readers. Coming to California is not a easy task and restarting new life is not as easy as what many believe. As I'm a new immigrant to USA and I feel and understand their saturation comparing to my real life experiences. History remind people's mistakes and give chance to rebuild their images. Although the United States has bad images on minorities, there are getting lesser and so far on the right track for a place for all people despite of majority of minority.  
What I learned as a reader/writer: I learned California's history about Asian immigrants and local India sad stories. From both topics and poems, I learned how to use compare and contrast the tone, theme, use of history or other literary conventions on my essay writing. I improved my PIE format, close reading and quotation style of Introduce, Incorporate, and Interpret while learning about out of class essay-2 as well.  
Out of Class Essay #3
What I learned about the topic: I think there are too many poems and topics to read in order to write this essay. All the readings basically tell me is misunderstanding leads to stereotype and follow by prejudging on other people without proper information lead all problems. Movie "Crash" teaches me that people are changing due to their past experiences and not wise to judge them by their past, skin or the way they look. People have different underlying values in their subconscious about races and might prejudge accordingly. But sometimes that brings unpredictable outcome for their prejudgments. What I learned is not to stereotype and make prejudgment without proper information.  
What I learned as a reader/writer: I think there are too many poems and topics to read in order to write this essay. Complicated yet let me learned reading strategies and let me figure out the different genres of art: play, film and novel. All those helps me to get a well understanding of Multiculturalism of California.

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