Friday, December 14, 2012

In Class Essay #3

Dear Kaung Myat Tun,        
            Studying used to be a nightmare in my life especially the language I don’t speak well. I’m sad to say that I haven’t done reading any English book in my entire life except “American son” which require reading for my this English 1B class. I’m now so proud myself for this achievement. This English class helps me and improves my skill of writing and reading dramatically. Additionally the knowledge of my new land, California and history of why people like me migrated to here. The reasons why the California is rich in resources are most thrilling part I learned. Stereotype and prejudge can be seen in our multicultural society and what we shouldn’t do without proper information. Style, technic and strategies of reading not only easier to understand but also printed like a tattoo in my mind permanently.

             New strategy of reading and annotating improved my reading skills very well. Finding the tone and theme is not an easy task to do but that help me to understand the entire reading. Less requires understanding all the individual sentences. Close reading of poems is really fun to do and I enjoyed a lot during my quarter. I like reading poems and meaning of the songs. Usually, I don’t quite understand the meaning of the song when I just listen. So I need to see the lyrics and then realized how funny I understood from the music. Now “Hotel California” and “Californication” mean more than they used to be in my mind. Understanding of “friction diction” creates songs alive in my mind forever. Annotating really helps me but I end up writing down all unknown words and my readings are like a partial dictionary. But when I need to warm up and recall the topic, it is easier and not necessary to read all over again. Compare and contrast while reading is something I can’t skip especially when I do my research before writing an essay.                    

            Proofreading and structure are the most challenging part of my essay writing. I try reading again and again and again but there were mistakes in my essays anyway. May be proofreading require some experiences to oversee my mistakes. Over all structure for my essays were fairly good but readings shows me many good examples of structure styles. Additionally, organizing a body is not an easy task ever. I spent a lot of time reconnecting to my supporting ideas of the structure inside the body paragraph. I guess, the critical thinking thing is the major and main for the essay what I learned during that time. Although there are only four pages, it is very confusing for me to understand and categorize. However, it is very useful for me to identify how good is the topic during reading and writing. I believe I improved my essays writing skill pretty much.  Focusing on the thesis statement and controlling the cohesion of the topic is challenging for me. PIE format needs to provide good explanations to support the claim I made. The understanding of fallacies reminds me what I shouldn’t do in my paragraphs. My weakness is I always understand what I wrote but not all readers get the same point. Sometimes readers get different meaning. It is always happen to me in my readings too. Perhaps I might stereotype rather than making a simple guest. However, my effort reflected on my essays. My writing skill improved from 68, 82, 88 and 77. I believe I can’t get over 90 mostly because of the proofreading.

            Conclusion, I’m lucky enough to have these wonderful classmates who distribute a lot of their ideas and explanations and the professor who taught us well on our writing and reading skills will be remembered. I never thought my English would improve this much just within a few months. In future, if I like to express myself for something I want, I won’t hesitate to write and post on my blog anymore.

Out of class essay #3

Kaung Myat Tun
Out of Class essay 3
Brian Lewis

Stereotype and Prejudgment
                California is rich in diversity of people as its natural resources. The wealth of the resource is one big reason which brings different people around the world and creates multicultural in many parts of the state. Multicultural of California brings different unique ideas and human resource, but as well racial friction, stereotyping, segregation and sometimes-even violence. The movie "Crash", "American Son", "Integrated City", "What is Multiculturalism" and "Culture Clash in America" give me the overall meaning of multicultural of California in different perspectives (first, second and third person) from different races and different social status. Especially how people react in certain saturation despite of their social background. All movie, non-fiction and fictional readings blow my mind and give the awareness of misconception, stereotype and prejudice and teach me do and don't of living in a multicultural society.
                People tend to stereotype and by race (color), their behavior (class), where they come from (culture or country) or what they believe (religion). A stereotype is a form of prejudiced images that people prejudge a particular characteristic without adequate information of the person. It is not a simple prediction, but in a negative way. The truth is, people are changing and reacting mostly depend on their past experiences and there is no exact formula or theory to define and prejudge people just based on their appearance. Yet, misconception, Stereotype and prejudice are the common behaviors that we encounter in our daily lives when we deal with people.

                California is not an easy place to live in; require dealing with many different groups of people and their behavior. There are people behave like gangster and speak slang words, but somehow that might offend to another group of people; but they conceive, as their behavior is nothing wrong. "Culture Clash in Americca", Author, Sam Woodhouse describes how people misconceive their actions even they do not intend to harsh on others. He emphasizes the importance of supporting the misconception in everyday speaking which supports in our essays. He tells us, "wassup niggah"(53). Author might want to say, calling niggah is normal to some groups of people and they do not think that is wrong to say. I recalled my childhood time when I read "Culture Clash in Americca". I honestly did not know what niggah actually means and I used that word "nigga" to say hello to my friends until I reached to the United States. I simply understood "nigga" means nothing more than people of Negro. In my country, Myanmar, and Singapore, most teenagers do not know what "nigga" actually means. I am pretty sure that most people just simply referring to a person, but not necessarily to be black and without any insulting. We feel like "wassup niggah" shows closer friendship than "wassup man". Perhaps we were just trying to act cool, but now I know that is not cool at all. Emphasizing the grandness of the misconception in our essays, author tells us, "There are a lot of things here I am not used to. Freedom. Especially Freedom"(50). Many people misconceive freedom as, "we can do whatever we like to do" without considering for other and the consequences which might disturb others' freedom. Above three examples, I mentioned is which insult to another group by a group of people's misconception. Many people encounter as everyday saturation and that effect the harmony of the multicultural of the state.

                Prejudging could be the consequences of misunderstanding and stereotyping, which could be seen, in our daily lives. Highly possible to mislead from the truth if people make it without proper information. "American Son" by "Brian Ascalon Roley" demonstrates how stereotypes are barriers to communication and to American immigrants’ pursuit of the American dream. One of the main characters, Tomas, he seems to me like a good man, but he was prejudged and treated as a gangster because of his gangster tattoos on his muscles. The author tells about Tomas by explaining his character, as "Tomas is the son who helps pay the mortgage by selling attack dogs to rich people and celebrities. He is the son who keeps our mother up late with worry" (1). Even, he promised to smack his girlfriend or wife if she mistreated his mother. Although he is a half white and Filipino, he is pictured and stereotyped as a Mexican due to his behavior, clothing and shaved head. Later on Gabe, his brother, takes away his brother oldsmobile due to his torment over his own ethnicity. He was described as low personality and shamed for his mother's dark skin and Asian eyes. He was questioned by two Mexicans. Without knowing anything about Gabe, young Mexican boy accused him as a car thief, although he is. And, he also assumes Gabe as a Mexican again. This is always happening in my life as well. I can feel exactly how Gabe might frustrate at that moment. I was assumed as a Chinese due to my small eyes and my pale skin. So, many people talk to me in Mandarin and Cantonese without knowing me in the first time. Perhaps, it is because of the prejudgment based on my skin and eyes. This is not a few times or once a while saturation to fade away from my memory. I even can't count how many times I have been treated as different person. How many people have been in the similar saturation because of their look?  How would you feel If you were assumed as different person and treated according to what people prejudge in your multicultural society?

                 Prejudging on different colored people is base on individual's previous experiences especially when they deal with different kind of races. Misunderstanding, Stereotyping and prejudging based on people's race can be found in California's multicultural society and that is shown throughout the movie called "Crash" by director "Paul Haggis". His movie gives a great meaning of what it feels like to be in multicultural California. It is about racial and social tensions in Los Angeles, California. "Crash" is the movie that would inspire you and give you the awareness about the racial problem that is happening everyday saturation in the world not only in California. It is rooted to misunderstanding, stereotyping and prejudging. Changes of people's behaviors despite of color or social status are shown throughout the movie. Farhad (Shaun Toub) a Persian shop owner, and his daughter, Dorri (Bahar Soomekh) happening to be arguing a revolver in front of store owner as her father, Farhad has no idea about the revolver. The shopkeeper was being annoy about his appearance (recent 9/11 Attack) and orders an infuriated Farhad outside. This is happened due to stereotyping on Ferhad, based on the storeowner's anger and prejudge Farhad as a Arab. Rick Cabot (Brendan Fraser), the Caucasian district attorney who uses race as a political card and his Caucasian wife, who, having recently been carjacked by two black men, believes that her stereotypical views of non-whites is justified and cannot be considered stereotyping. She also accused Hispanic locksmith (Daniel Ruiz) as bad guy who apparently has tattoos and he was judged by his appearances. She assumed that he would take the copies of the keys and give it to his gangs; however he gave all keys of her before he left. This highlights people’s usual way of seeing others and makes decisions based on their previous experiences. But it doesn't always true as she later realized that her helper, Maria (Mexican) is her only real friend when she slipped from the stairs. An African-American Hollywood director named Cameron Thayer (Terrence Howard) and his wife Christine (Thandie Newton) got their car pulled out by white police officer Ryan (Matt Dillon) who was previously mistreated recently by African-American woman although his family helped their people previously. Officer Ryan ordered Cameron to step out to check to be clearer but Christine accused the officer for his mistreatment is because of their skin color. So, Officer Ryan committed sexually touching to mouthy Christine. Cameron also think they were mistreated by police because of their race. So he over reacted when he was stopped by the police another time. The story is about the consequence of misunderstanding leads both officer Ryan, Mr. & Mrs. Cameron to stereotype on other people. The movie shows the common problems, which can experience for everyone in their daily life and teaches how people prejudging is integrated among us.

                People have stereotype perspectives no matter how similarities or diversities they came from. In the movie "Crash", Paul Haggis alerts his audiences by showing his characters about stereotype séances are related to prejudge. Graham Waters who feels too shameful to let others find out his family and was afraid he could might lose his detective job because of his family background when his superior officer stereotyped by his race. Farhad, who feels he isn't getting satisfaction from American society when his store is robbed time and time again. Before his last store has been destroyed he requested Daniel (a locksmith who just wants to keep his family, especially his adolescent daughter, safe in a seemingly unsafe world) to fix his lock, but he was told to fix the door. However, the locksmith recommended him to change the door, he prejudges Daniel might be a liar simply because of who is Hispanic. He stereotype this Hispanic is making money by asking him to fix his door. The director Cameron who got the gun pointing at him by Attorny and Peter (black carjackers) angrily fought back at them because he has been called as nigger. He believes he has been stereotyped again. Shortly, the cops came and stopped them. Cameron who was indeed very mad at the racist cops so he stereotypes all cops is racist. Then, he acts toughly at the cops who are chasing after him. That moment was very thrilled because he could get shot at any point if he did not calm down his anger, but with the help from Tom who recognized him in the other night. Peter was lost in the street while receiving help from Tom who apparently driving pass by Tom. As Tom studying Peter looks and their conversation, Tom senses that Peter was a lair of what he told about himself. Although he was presented to audience as a fair and not racist policeman along the movie, he might stereotype what danger might Peter will bring to him. As the conversation goes, Peter burst out laughing when he saw the little statue that Tom has in his car because he has the same one. However, Tom misunderstood and stereotype that Peter was laughing at him because perhaps he was going to do something dangerous to him. As Peter was trying to prove the reason that he was laughing. Tom shot him before he could take out the little statue out of his pocket. In fact, Tom wrongly stereotyped on black and probably thought it was a gun that Peter was going to take out due to Peter's suspicious actions he had earlier. Tom seems not a racist or stereotype but later he killed because he racist and stereotype. Officer Ryan used to be racist but he helped Christine by risking his life. Moreover, Attorny used to be stereotyped but he changed. It shows people are changing and not wise to stereotype people just base on how do they look or what they did previously. Stereotyping behaviors are common towards different races and we can easily experience especially in multicultural California.

                Therefore, being a stereotype and prejudge has unpredictable violence at any time. However, real time and long experience is what changes peoples' perspectives. I suggest we just need to be more cautious before going to stereotype others just because of their races and color skin tones. Just because we had faced our scariest moment doesn't mean we will face it in the same way again. We stereotype and prejudge others based on our experiences, but experiences never ends there. There may be a bad one, but you never know the good one will come. It's not typically wrong to stereotype or prejudging we are being aware of our safety. However, it really hurts others sometime the way we are differently treated them. The best part of the film is, each character plays both positive and negative actions as they learned the consequences about being stereotyped and prejudging others. It takes time to get the real knowledge and be positive minded with others who are different from us.
                In the conclusion, misconception and stereotyping prejudging are very common behaviors in Multicultural California. That is the beginning of all racial frictions. People are the hardest creation for us to predict. Even a good guy can't be always act and do responsible actions. I learned that idea in the movie Crash. As well as a bad guy will not always does bad and there is always a brighter side for a bad guy too. Perhaps we behave too shallow and missed their darker sides or brighter sides and we stereotyped and generalized them as 'the good or the bad'. Although we all might have the similar underlying values in our subconscious about races, if we all kind enough to make lesser stereotyping and prejudging on each other races, our multicultural society would be more harmonious and beautiful than one can ever imagine.

Self reflections of my essays

Self Reflections

What I learned about the topic: I learned about the wonderful history and mysteries which makes California always attractive and stays alive. The main reason California is wealthy in resources and unbelievable stories is because of the Pacific plate collide to America and the friction makes all the valuable resources that human ever wanted. And, that Pacific plate creates the LA and San Francisco earthquakes. More about the Silicon Valley, its uncountable entrepreneur millionaires are another interesting part to attract more and more people. Finally Hollywood and its part of making successful dream land in the States is a very important fact that I ever learned in my readings. My final conclusion is the desire and illusions of real and unreal opportunities drive people harder to move on and on till to reach their goals.
What I learned as a reader/writer: I found out that California is that much full of amazing stories during very few decades. I was surprised again that California is not only rich of gold but wealthy in nearly all of natural resources. As a reader, I like about the history and big dreams people had along its history. And of course their hard working attitude are also make me feel stronger and less lazy. And I understand more on how to write to attract readers to caught their curiosity on the topic.

Out of Class Essay #1
What I learned about the topic: California is an analogy between over expectation and failure. Among four songs, I love the Californication of Red Hot Chili Pepper and chose to write for my out of class essay. Actually I was having a hard time choosing Hotel California and Californication. But I don't know why I was so into Californication and chose over Hotel California. Perhaps the meaning of the Californication touched me more than the Hotel California. Both songs reflect the false image and exaggeration of the state can fulfill.
What I learned as a reader/writer: PIE format. I was almost forget the PIE format for our body paragraphs. I learned how to a analyze a quote by introduce in our body paragraph, incorporate and interpret in it. Warmed up again about noun phrase appositives which is I almost forget how to use. My favorite part during out of class essay-2 is about friction diction. terms to improve understanding, the critical thinking. The most important thing I learned about reading is called close reading: word choice, tone, imagery, and metaphors  

In Class Essay #2
What I learned about the topic: I learned about propositions laws in USA and how does it work. People has enough power to change state and federal laws by voting them. The critical thinking helps me to understand more about what I read. I did Prop-37 and it is about GMOs which should label on everyday consumer products.
What I learned as a reader/writer: I guess, the critical thinking thing is the major and main for the essay what I learned during that time. Although there are only four pages, it is very confusing for me to understand and categorize. However, it is very useful for me to identify how good is the topic during reading and writing. I believe I improved my essays writing skill pretty much.      
Out of Class Essay #2
What I learned about the topic: California is not only full with treasure but also full with sad stories of earlier immigrants especially Asian and local Indians. From an immigrant boy and his mom from poem "Yuba city school" reveals the  saturation of immigrants and their troubles to readers. Coming to California is not a easy task and restarting new life is not as easy as what many believe. As I'm a new immigrant to USA and I feel and understand their saturation comparing to my real life experiences. History remind people's mistakes and give chance to rebuild their images. Although the United States has bad images on minorities, there are getting lesser and so far on the right track for a place for all people despite of majority of minority.  
What I learned as a reader/writer: I learned California's history about Asian immigrants and local India sad stories. From both topics and poems, I learned how to use compare and contrast the tone, theme, use of history or other literary conventions on my essay writing. I improved my PIE format, close reading and quotation style of Introduce, Incorporate, and Interpret while learning about out of class essay-2 as well.  
Out of Class Essay #3
What I learned about the topic: I think there are too many poems and topics to read in order to write this essay. All the readings basically tell me is misunderstanding leads to stereotype and follow by prejudging on other people without proper information lead all problems. Movie "Crash" teaches me that people are changing due to their past experiences and not wise to judge them by their past, skin or the way they look. People have different underlying values in their subconscious about races and might prejudge accordingly. But sometimes that brings unpredictable outcome for their prejudgments. What I learned is not to stereotype and make prejudgment without proper information.  
What I learned as a reader/writer: I think there are too many poems and topics to read in order to write this essay. Complicated yet let me learned reading strategies and let me figure out the different genres of art: play, film and novel. All those helps me to get a well understanding of Multiculturalism of California.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Out of Class Essay 2

Kaung Myat Tun
Out of Class Essay 2
Brian Curran Lewis

Hopeless minorities in the past
California has many stories about its mystery,history and heritage. The beauty, rich in resources, multiculturalism are bonus reasons to create "the California" and stands out among other states in the country. The wealthiness in resource attracts people from nations to small towns and creates a hub of mankind from over the world. Multiculturalism brings different unique resources, but as well racial friction and violence. We can look back some of our history with honor and glory, but some we don't want to hear again. However,all of those past history and accidents stand important role to studyour mistakes and to reform the betterland.Many poets and artists reflect our history of good and bad we did. Though there are many poems that touch my heart on a certain level, two poems stays in my mind so strong and give interesting and deep though to me, a brand new immigrant. "Yuba City School" by Chitra Banerjee Divakarunireflects the story of an immigrant mother and son from India who are dealing with the ridicule and cultural differences faced in their new second home, United States. And "Indian Cartography" by Deborah Miranda tells us about the destruction on native culture and lives due to the newcomers" domination. Each poet works resemble each other in the point that they recall and use the history to show their old days with the nature before the foreigners" interference. However, two authors highlightthe post-Columbian period in different in terms of their historical references, but similar understandings,same hopeless tones and both poets portray their individual perspectives about the terrible events encountered by minorityin the past.

             Both poems tell us to feel the struggle and hopeless situation of minorities.Mrs. Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni tells a story of an aging widow move from India to live with her son and his family in California and they faced racial discrimination and ridicule.In her poem, "Yuba City School". According to the poem, both the mother and son barely speak English and they had very serious language barrier to communicate with others.I connect this situation with "Indian Cartography". Native Californian father who talks to his child about the despair and wretchedness his people went through during wartime. "With eyes open, look down into lands not drawn"(25) from "Indian Cartography" touches me the imagery of his hopeless feeling brings the history alive and the share the pain she experienced. The words "look down" makes me feel he looked at the land hopelessly. I'm wondering "What if original Indian Americans speak English well, will the new immigrants, whites treat them well without wiping out from their own land"? Or at least will Whites acknowledgeIndians as part of their people without any bloodshed? It is highly possible that there will be more diplomatic and peaceful deals among them.

               Similar saturation I feel from Yuba City School is the change in culture and language barrier causemother and boy to isolate from the society and hopeless experiences.Different appearance from the rest of the class and unable to communicate well might drive the boy from being picked, target and bullied by other students. Author sadly tells us that even the teacher ignores the boy and let him sit with threatened students.This might be due to his inability toexpresshis feeling welland the original country where he came from. Another interesting lines in that poem,"Invisible hands snatch at his uncut hair/unseen feet trip him from behind"(48)tells me that the boy feels very small and helpless as well as the hopeless position. He feels abuse from unknown people around him. I think this is because of isolation and discrimination made him feel alone and that lonelinesscreateshopeless condition without help and support in hiscurrent second country, dreamland. Nearly end of the poem, author says, "He bites down on his lip/ to keep in the crying. They are/ waiting for him to open his mouth/ so they can steal his voice."(52) makes me feel deeper sadness. I sympathize him and can feel exactly what he felt, as I'm an immigrant minority in the United States, as have some common experiences throughout my life. I have a very curious question."If he were a white from the UK or other powerful nations, will the teacher help him out from the saturation? I would like to say there is pretty thin chance to get help from that teacher even he were a white. I have a good reason. I have to bring out that there is more or less color fever on most people. Although, most teacherscare their students, but some teachers don't care and it means don't expect to care whether student is a white, black or yellow. They just don't pay attention and consider any problem among students is not theirresponsibility to engage.Author carry on telling about the mother of that student who has similar situation. She has to see her son's teacher due to his poor performance in the class, but she doesn'tknow to defend for her son from being blamed.I hope weall aware the darkness as the mother tries to climb-out and face the hopeless saturation. She simply doesn't know how to fight back for her son. For some of us, the climb-out might take years, perhaps a lifetime. Although it can be pursuable, it is absolutely not an easy task for her as being hopeless in that time.

               The themes between "Yuba City School" and "Indian Cartography" have many similarities on expression, but on the other hand, there are a few interesting differences.First of all, We all could agree that the theme for both poems is the mistreatment and abuse and result turn out in deeply remorseful and hopeless saturation in minorities; butthe way of presentation is unlike.I would say "Indian Cartography" is a stronger version of "Yuba City School" when we compare the hopeless, sadness and discrimination. Although both stories are about the minorities Indians, but"Yuba City School" poem is the story about the Indian from India, but the "Indian Cartography" is about the local Indian Americans. Some more, the tone in "Indian Cartography" is gloomyway. The poem is about native Indian Americans"painful story and segregationby whites. Recollecting the peaceful memories of the old days when the thriving tribes made a harmony with the nature surrounding them.However "Yuba City School" is more about prejudicial treatment of different categories of people, but"Indian Cartography" is about disappearing the entire tribe and culture, massacres, and removal of the Native Indian Americans from their own land is such a thrilling part to read.Earlypart of the poem, "Places he was happy,/or where tragedy greeted him" and "he learned to swim the hard way" makes me feel like the change in their life was dropped inside the black hole. Loss and despondency is the point that poet might want readers to feel which has stronger and more desperate saturation., but in "Yuba City School","For him, the words are/muddy red, flying low and heavy,/and always the one he has learned to understand idiot, idiot, idiot" (31)narrates me even she knows her son is frightened by the dangerous students in his class, she couldn't help him rather than listen when her son cried hopelessly to her. "Yuba City School" tells about the specific minority who didn't speak English well, but"Indian Cartography" highlights about the colonizing the land and massive killing no matter the ability to communicate with new immigrant whites."Yuba City School"highlights me about the difficulties due to changes in culture, but"Indian Cartography" shows change in culture demolished the entire tribes. In "Yuba City School" both mother and son loss in hope, but there is still a hope in a distance future when they can speak English well, but in "Indian Cartography,"there is no hope for local Indians in their foreseeable future during that time.

            Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni and Deborah Miranda not only managed to show the tone and visuals, but also portrayed hopeless feeling, which is hammered deeply inside us. Somehow different in the background saturation and condition, but both poets reflect the minorities" saturation clearly. California is a land mixed harmoniously withWhites and Blacks;Yellow and Browns and different colored people around the world. The statehistory is shaped by every color, language and enriched by every culture.California has tasted the bitterness of racial discrimination and segregation, but the history shows us that hatred in the human heart can recede, and the lines between races and tribe fade away. What is left, then, is a simple truth: e pluribus unum; in America, out of many, we are one nation, we are one people."(President Obama's Speech at the University of Yangon, Myanmar(Burma))This is not easy to reveal and teach youth about the ugly truth history and mistakes that they had done. And I'm glad to learn about the history of the state and I'm honestly proud of being part of this civilized and open-minded civilization. Yes, in the past many of the minorities faced ridicule; many of them faced racism; but we have to admit that now there are lesser accidents than our past. Who dare to deny?This is how history shaped and mankind improved the land into better place for every people despite of the color or background.


In class essay-2

Kaung Myat Tun
In class essay-2

GMOs should Label

Living a healthy lifestyle is not only about exercises but also about the food we consume. Now these days, Many American people-facing problems between spending on better medical treatment or healthier food. There is a demand on the healthier food and concern about the GMO foods. Finally, Proposition 37 requires labeling of genetically modified or engineered in food sales in the state of California and it is officially on the ballot. This proposition became popular due to people’s concern more on healthier lifestyle and natural product. Proposition 37 is not a debate whether Genetically Engineering foods are good or bad. It is about right to know what is in your food and to be able to make a choice to choose what you think for you and your family is safe to eat.

We should know what is in our food, shouldn’t we? Do you know that above 80 percentage of food in our grocery store contain genetically modified or engineered integrant? The Institute for Responsible Technology states that ‘Most common GMOs include corn syrup, soy, canola, sugar beat which can be found in many common daily consumer foods.’ Without labeling, we will inevitably participate in the great GMO experiments, whether we willing to involve or not. When I go shopping for food, I do pay attention on the food label. Because that label is the only thing I can compare against with competitor product: price, content, expiration date and etc. However the opposition group arguing about the exemptions of some products: beer, meat, milk cheese and so on. It is not strong for me to feel their excuse is makes sense and not directly related to the main point of the proposition. And I consider their argument as red herring fallacies as their   point is trying to mislead the main objective of proposition 37, which is labeling on GMOs. 

 Recent study on economic impact of proposition 37 resulted that there would be no increase in price as a result of the labeling required. But one of the main opponent group’s concern is the cost associated with labeling, which is claiming that changing the labels is too expensive and would increase the cost for groceries. They even claim that would be an expensive nightmare. However, Europe introduced GMO labeling in 1997, it didn’t result in increase cost but there were also had horrifying prediction of price increased. So I consider opponent argument on cost issue as false cause or red herring fallacies.

The opponent group claims GMOs are safe to eat but why don’t they proudly label ‘Made with GMOs’? Alison Van Genennam, UC Davis researcher says ‘National Academy of Science and American Medical Association have all agreed that GMOs on the market today are safe’. Nevertheless GMO foods don’t offer any benefit to consumers whatsoever but potential problems and unforeseeable diseases. The Institute for Responsible Technology states that mice eating GM corn for a few generations had fewer and smaller babies. More than half of the babies of mother rats fed GM soy died within 3 weeks. Who dare to deny that there is no harm on us as well? This is another reason why GMOs should label.

Basically, the proposition 37 is a market battle between the organic food industry and the modern producers. Modern producers care more on the producing cost but less concern on the quality and consequences while traditional farmers are more concern on the quality and less chemical usage. Traditional farmers say since GMOs have no harm and why the opponent group is trying not to get label on it. So people can choose what they want by seeing the label. One possible answer is the opponent group concerns the market negative reaction due to the GMO label. My question is would you change your shopping habit if the foods you buying are label GMOs? Many people especially who has aging parents or young kids probably say yes and this is the reason why opponent are trying to avoid label GMOs.

So far 61 countries around the world including even China and India require label of genetically modified organisms or engineered foods but sadly not in USA. We do understand that this attempt couldn’t possibly be flawless. So should we move to other countries to fulfill our rights? Impossible, We love our country. Unless WE DEMEND GMOs get labeled. Let’s remember that human made the constitution. Please vote ‘YES’ because Americans have right to know what they are buying. 


Out of Class Essay-1

Out of Class Essay-1
Image of the California Dream in Music
Kaung Myat Tun

False Dream

            California is a place where people live and searching for their dreams and building up their hopes of being wealthy and healthy life which is so called 'Dreams like life'. Many people believe California as the state which represent hope, promise, happiness and opportunity for a better life or a place where dreams come true. Throughout the history, California dream has tempted not only people from other states of the USA but also people from all over the world. Hollywood creates the vision of breathtaking heaven like place where there is complete bliss, delight and peace. And people were told and read uncountable successful stories after stories and at one time people get lured California as a perfect place to build up their dreams and their tomorrows. There are many songs about California and people singing for what they see on the state. However Red Hot Chili Peppers has different vision on the California due to their own experiences and they sing a song which is about false dream over delusion called 'Californication'. The song reveals the image of California dream and troubles of the state in the artistic way to the audience.

            Red Hot Chili Peppers describe the California is an Analogy, the opening line "Psychic spies from China", an old lady in 'Auckland' yelling something about psychic spies from china which steal her happiness. The conspiracy theory that someone who believes in psychic Chinese spies would make her happy and she just want to have that spice only and she feel happiness no longer without the spice. After China spice, he talk about Sweden star to show the global extend of how Hollywood influence on the people . A Swedish little girl who moved to United States and dream to be a movie star. The fact showing the huge impact of the Hollywood across the seas around the world. Anyone who wishes to be a star is being influenced by the glamorous lifestyle that Hollywood sells out. The dream of California gives off an unrealistic and artificial flavor of real California. The song “Californication” evidences the reality and the state unrealistic perception of people over praise. The media shows successful people and famous movie stars' glamorous lifestyle. All of their big nice mansions and luxury cars  give people who are not of this stature some type of hope and dream that is not necessarily accessible to them. In James J. Rawls essay “California: A Place, A People, A Dream,” also vividly visualizes why the California Dream is so unrealistic. The promises the California Dreams is an Irony. These heightened expectation result in building up dreamers' castle just in the air.

            Although many people see the 'Californication' as California and fornication but  I believe it is a word that the song writer made up to describe the lifestyle and tradition of California in his own word. California is used as a symbol for the dream land and most associated with the sex, drugs, and celebrities' lifestyle. In the second paragraph of the song 'It is the edge of the world and all of the western civilization' and The sun may rise in the East At least it settles in the final location. This makes me understand California is the most west part of the western world and after California there is no more land to move on but only North Pacific ocean and the Asia after the ocean. So that makes them to set the final edge and last location to fulfill their dreams despite of the reality. And Hollywood manipulate the reality and portray the land as a perfect and sells Californication. It is the place where people pay plastic surgeon well to get the treatment to avoid the old age. This is the best symbols of being fake is somehow successful in the area of Hollywood. The more you pay, the younger you look and will more successful. I see other countries also follow the way of doing plastic surgery especially in Korea. If you are not being good looking, you probably will have very thin chance to get even a normal pay job. The appearance and outer beauty is getting more important than the performance and quality.  
            During the chorus the singer raises his voice and the music seems faster/louder on what they really want to tell us. I believe the main idea about the songs is just in the chorus and it is just a dream of false hopes. 'First born unicorn Hard core soft porn Dream of Californication Dream of Californication'. After I read some background stories about the song, the first born unicorn means the writer of 'The killing of the Unicorn' was murdered by her ex-boyfriend. Actually she is the symbol who died while enjoy living California life style. Hard core soft porn means to me that tons of people were attracted to Hollywood like a Swedish girl and dream to be a 'Movie Star' but most of them end up using in the porn movie business and become but 'Porn Stars'. That is why they transition from hard core to soft, they have been disillusioned and I consider it is as oxymoron.

This song is mainly about the dark side of California and its Hollywood, what indeed  lays underneath the surface.
It reveals the fact that whether we believe in it or not, the California Dream is ever present throughout society and in many ways shapes the way we live.